Yet another Arsenal Mod - this time, is very vanilla friendly.
This Mod adds the categorizing/sorting functionality to Arsenal, also search functionality.How to use
Open Variants Menu
Once you open Arsenal, you can select a weapon/equipment on the left tab.Double Click or Right Click an item to open Variants Menu. This menu can select variants of the asset and/or magazine to have.
For (mainly safety) reasons, you cannot open Variants Menu for not-equipped weapons.
Open Search Menu
In the Arsenal screen, Ctrl+F to open search menu.Use class prefix to search classNames.
Technical Document
This Mod adds a function to make it happened.PLP_fnc_AEX_arsenalExtension
The function that controlls the system. End users are not supposed to use this function manually.Force Categorizing
You can force an item categorized into a parent via a config. Example:class BaseItem;
class ParentItem: BaseItem
    PLP_AEX_forceParent = "ParentItem";
class ChildItem: ParentItem
    PLP_AEX_forceParent = "ParentItem";
Both parent and children require to have the property. Also the inheritance of this property have no effect so you need to write this property to every items you want to categorize.
- This mod requires a few seconds to a minute of freeze upon you launch the Arsenal for the first time in the game session.
- May occur a pop-up error scope=private but you can ignore it and close safely.
- This mod is not compatible with my other Arsenal Mods.
- The grouping/categorizing is driven by compatible magazine and config for weapons, model path for equipment, so it may not categorize everything properly.
- Magazines are not categorized.